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Cute Animals

Cat found below missing poster of himself



  • Luis the cat has been missing, so his family put missing posters all around the neighborhood.
  • One day, a woman found him chilling just below his missing poster!
  • The woman called his family, who was overjoyed to reunite with him.

In a search for missing pets, visibility is key. It’s important to put up missing posters in the right locations, as well as sharing them online to maximize reach.

Putting up posters in busy locations or areas where the pet was last seen increases the likelihood of other people seeing and recognizing them.

One missing cat, however, ended up spotting the missing poster himself.

Photo Credit: Twitter/Camila Castoldi

Camila Castoldi was walking outside her neighborhood in Buenos Aires, Argentina when she spotted the missing poster on a utility pole. She inspected it more closely, and saw a photo of an orange and white cat. His family seemed desperate to get him back home.

As she thought about whether she saw the cat before, she saw something orange at her feet.

It was none other than Luis, casually lounging just below his missing poster!

Photo Credit: Twitter/Camila Castoldi

Camila happily greeted Luis, who responded warmly. She then called his family, who “came running, thanked me, and pampered him.”

Luis had been missing for several days. Fortunately, he was in good health. He’s happy to be back home with his family, where he belongs.

Photo Credit: Twitter/Camila Castoldi

Camila fell in love with Luis during the brief moment they spent together. She also had a cat who looked just like him.

Luis’s family also sends her photos of him so she can keep updated on his well-being. Camila made a new furry friend!


“I feel lucky to have found him,” she shared.

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Source: Inspire More

