Quick Smiles: Meet Michael Mehler, a German man who turned his life around after a shock health diagnosis. In a remarkable transformation, Michael Mehler, once weighing...
A three-year-old boy told his parents that he wanted to join the fire department. Luckily, the fire department was holding a recruitment drive. With the help...
Rescuers found Zeeky in a disturbing situation that left him severely malnourished and missing parts of his hind legs. Thankfully, after receiving the love and care...
Corey was the cornerback for his high school football team when a routine tackle led to a spinal injury that left him paralyzed and in a...
Ben Lovell had his limb removed in 2017, which led to depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts. But instead of giving up on life, he started a...
With about 57 years of playing the drums in her belt, Dorothea Taylor has become known in the music scene as “the godmother of drumming.” After...
Artist Zhang Junli has been spending 34 years of her life in near-total paralysis, but she continues to amaze everyone with her oil paintings. She creates...
Hansel Enmanuel lost his arm at 6 years old when he was trapped beneath a fallen wall for two hours. Instead of hindering him, the accident...
The architectural masterpiece of Le Palais Idéal, the “fairy-tale palace” in Hauterives, France, was 33 years in the making. A humble mailman, Ferdinand Chaval, started construction...
Norfarrah Syahirah Shaari, from Malaysia, is doing her part to help frontline workers by sewing PPE clothing — using her feet. Born without arms, Shaari has...