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Cute Animals

Golden Retriever’s Social Shenanigans Delights People Everywhere



Quick Smiles:

  • Golden retriever charms TikTok with its playful antics.
  • Video showcases the pup’s love for socializing with strangers.
  • Dog’s behavior sparks laughter and relatable comments online.

A golden retriever has become quite the sensation on TikTok thanks to its delightful habit of mingling with strangers during walks.

This charming display, shared by @charlie_and_friends_, has amassed over 228,000 views since its release on October 25.

The clip humorously captures the pup’s “toxic trait” of pretending to belong to others.

In the video, the golden retriever confidently strolls alongside unfamiliar faces in a park and even cozies up to diners at outdoor tables.

This behavior highlights a dog’s innate love for social interactions, whether with their owner or a newfound friend during daily escapades.

A study from March 2019, published in Scientific Reports, supports the idea that dogs can form meaningful relationships with both humans and fellow canines.

The study notes, “that these relationships vary along multiple components across different partners.”


This ability to bond with various beings is part of what makes dogs such cherished companions.

Stanley Coren, a professor emeritus at the University of British Columbia and author on canine behavior, discussed this in a 2013 article.

Coren explained that well-socialized dogs approach anything alive with friendliness, regardless of species.

He stated, “Although dogs are happiest when they are in a social situation, the species that they are interacting with is less important than the quality of the interactions.”


