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New “Kid Governor” Focuses On Children’s Mental Health [Video]



  • The pandemic has changed the electoral campaign of “Kid Governor” Charlie Olsen of New Hampshire.
  • The depression that he has experienced during the lockdown has prompted him to focus on kids’ mental health.
  • He has already crafted a three-point children’s mental health plan for New Hampshire.

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected our physical and mental health.  Children may seem to have been unaffected with the changes but deep inside they are struggling, too.

School has been through distance learning.  Play and other physical activities have been curtailed.  Being with friends has been disallowed.  Even bonding with other relatives has to be minimized if not, stopped.

This is why when Charlie Olsen of New Hampshire shared his struggle with mental health in his campaign for the next “Kid Governor”, he won by 450 votes.

Photo Credit: Charlie – NH Kid Governor (Youtube)

During his campaign he said, “I became depressed during the COVID lockdowns and so did a lot of my friends. We all felt so alone, but you don’t have to do this alone.”

A little girl also testified, “The past year I’ve gone through some hard times. Me and my family struggled a lot. It was really hard on us because we lost a lot of favorite family members. Charlie helped me get through it, and I think his campaign will help others get through it too.”

After winning, Charlie said he will use his newfound influence in helping other kids cope with mental health issues.

Photo Credit: Charlie – NH Kid Governor (Youtube)

Charlie has a three-part plan for NH’s children’s mental health. First is the development of a mentoring system called C.A.S.T. (Children’s Awareness Support Team).  Second is for fundraisers for mental health treatment payments. Third, the creation of a social network promoting positivity and offering support for struggling kids.

Charlie’s mental health focus during this pandemic has made him unique from all the issues on bullying, animal rights, career awareness, and tobacco use. 

To end, Charlie added, “Kids may look like they’re perfect and happy on the outside, but inside the struggle is real. We need to help our friends.”

Pretty admirable for a fifth-grader at the Auburn Village School.

Looking forward to 2021 with you at the helm, Governor Olsen!


Source: Inspire More

