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Small Dog Discovers Freedom After Two Pounds of Matted Fur is Shaved Off



Quick Smiles:

  • A heavily matted small dog named Max from Southern California was rescued by Logan’s Legacy and underwent a significant grooming, removing two pounds of fur.
  • Max’s family, who had struggled to get him groomed due to economic constraints and his behavior, was moved to tears by his transformation.
  • Logan’s Legacy plans to follow up on Max’s care and help ensure his comfort in the future.

Max, a small dog from Southern California, might be feeling a bit lighter these days, and not just because of the warm summer sun.

The little pup, who was rescued from a heatwave while wandering the streets, has undergone a transformation that would leave even the best of Hollywood stylists astounded.

The heatwave ordeal would have been uncomfortable for any pup, but for the heavily matted Max, it was unbearable.

That was until a Good Samaritan crossed his path and contacted Suzette Hall, founder of Logan’s Legacy dog rescue, leading Max to a whole new life of comfort and care.

When Hall first met Max, she initially assumed he was abandoned.


“He was buried under layers of matted fur and didn’t quite know where to go,” Hall noted.

But once she held Max, it was clear the pup had a home and loved ones worrying about him.

Returning Max to his family, Hall learned of the family’s desperate attempts to groom him.

She recounts, “His family was so worried about him. They truly loved him and wanted to get him groomed, but everyone turned him away because of his behavior. And economically, they couldn’t afford to groom him with anesthesia.”

Seeing their struggle, Logan’s Legacy stepped in to help, taking charge of Max’s grooming under anesthesia.

An experienced veterinary team shaved off the heavy mats of fur weighing him down, removing an impressive two pounds of fur from his petite body.


On reuniting with his family, Max could barely contain his joy.

“I can’t even tell you how excited he was,” Hall expressed. “He was jumping up and down when I took him back home to his family.”

The heartwarming transformation moved his family to tears and offered Max a newfound freedom.

Now, Max not only has his family by his side but also the support of Logan’s Legacy.

As Hall said, “Now, he has a whole new world to explore and a new rescue behind him. It feels so good to help somebody in need.”


