Quick Smiles: In Tennessee, a group of strangers heroically banded together to overturn a flipped car and rescue a woman trapped inside. The incident was captured...
Quick Smiles: Becky Arbaugh, a Taco Bell manager in Richboro, Pennsylvania, saves a baby’s life by performing CPR. Arbaugh’s quick thinking and action were praised by...
Quick Smiles: View this post on Instagram A post shared by Russ Cook (@hardestgeezer) A British man has taken charity runs to an unprecedented level. Russ...
Quick Smiles: In a story that could easily be mistaken for a movie plot, three sailors found themselves stranded on an island in Micronesia. Their resourcefulness...
Quick Smiles: Connecticut police officer, Det. Michael Harton, formed an unbreakable bond with a baby girl, Tooka, whose life he saved five years ago. Despite their...
Quick Smiles: Florida police officers deliver groceries to a family after arresting the original delivery driver. The officers went “above and beyond” to complete the delivery,...
Quick Smiles: An Australian bank teller saves a woman from a potential financial disaster caused by an internet scam. The bank’s training encourages employees to question...
Quick Smiles: Two young heroes, Islam Khalilov, 15, and Artyom Donskoy, 14, saved hundreds of concertgoers during a terrorist attack at Moscow’s Crocus City Hall. The...
Quick Smiles: Cole Brauer, a 29-year-old woman, becomes the first American woman to race non-stop around the world solo in a sailboat. Brauer navigated her 40-foot...
Quick Smiles: An exceptional adoption event in Jacksonville, Florida, resulted in 18 children finding loving homes. Family Support Services hosted their inaugural “Shamrock Adoption Celebration” on...