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Cute Animals

Get yourself a good laugh with these 15 hilarious animal photos



  • Animals could be a source of entertainment every time.
  • They have the strangest antics that often leave us laugh out loud.
  • Scroll through these photos and just feel good!

It’s adorable how our animal friends manage to look hilarious. What’s funnier is that most of the time, they are unaware of it.

Here are 15 amusing photos showing how these dear friends can be weird, funny, and wonderful — all at the same time!

1. Curiosity doesn’t always kill the cat. This feline’s nosiness allowed her to try this ride after seeing the kids enjoying it. She doesn’t look as pleased, but at least she got her answers.

Photo Credit: Journalistate

2. That face you make when things go exactly as planned.

Photo Credit: Journalistate

3. You’ll know which dog misses being the center of attention. He looks really sad, but we can’t help but find it adorably funny. Sorry!

Photo Credit: Journalistate

4. Be careful. Some spies come in the most unexpected form.

Photo Credit: Journalistate

5. This gorilla looks like our dignified professor. He’s just so passionate!

Photo Credit: Journalistate

6. How this squirrel got himself a hanging, cozy chair we don’t know. But one thing’s for sure, he’s looking so content up there with a cob of corn.

Photo Credit: Journalistate

7. These baby pandas are just taking some Z’s but they look so amusing. Look at how they even stretch those fat, tiny arms.

Photo Credit: Journalistate

8. This photo gives us a romantic afternoon vibe made better with a cup of tea and some good-tasting pastries.

Photo Credit: Journalistate

9. “You can’t see me now” is what this antelope’s saying. Camouflage at its finest!

Photo Credit: Journalistate

10. Learn some self-encouraging antics from this cat.

Photo Credit: Journalistate

11. This is what you get for chasing a Rhino.

Photo Credit: Journalistate

12. It’s either the other dog has eagle eyes that he can see through the curtain, or the other one is just clearly smarter.

Photo Credit: Journalistate

13. This dog can brave anything just to have a walk at the park.

Photo Credit: Journalistate

14. We’re interested with two things: how this turtle hopped onto the eel and if the eel even knew someone was on his back. Your guess?

Photo Credit: Journalistate

15. Like father, like son.

Photo Credit: Journalistate

Source: Journalistate

