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Cancer patient asked her nurse to adopt her son if she died [Video]



  • A single mom was diagnosed with terminal cancer.
  • The cancer patient asked her oncology nurse to raise her son after she died.
  • The nurse and her husband have been trying to conceive a child for years. 

Tricia Somers learned in 2014 that her cancer diagnosis was terminal, which no mother wants to hear.

Her last wish was for Tricia Seaman, her oncology nurse, to adopt her son.

Somers told CBS News eight years ago that even before Seaman said anything, she felt comforted as if someone had wrapped a nice blanket around her. Somers claimed she’d never felt anything like it before, or any other connection with anyone else.

Somers believes Seaman was an angel who was sent to help her and her son.

“Tricia told me that the first time I walked in to take care of her, she just felt warm and at peace. She knew I was the one,” Seaman said.


Somers, a single mother with an 8-year-old kid named Wesley, asked Seaman whether she would look after him if she died.

Somers was unaware that Seaman and her husband had been trying for years to start a family. Seaman agreed, even though it was the first time they’d met.

In the months leading up to Somers’ death, the two families started spending time together. 

“When Tricia was dying she actually said to me, ‘Stop crying!’ and I said, ‘I can’t help it I don’t want to let you go!’” recalls Seaman. “She then thanked me for taking in Wesley, but I said, ‘No, don’t thank me, I want to thank you’.”


Wesley is now 16 years old. According to Seaman, he is an A student and a wonderful child.

“He’s exceptional. But the most important thing is he just has such a kind and loving heart,” she said.

Source: sunny skyz

