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Denzel Washington Helped A Distressed Homeless Guy In Confrontation With Police Officers [Video]



  • A video on Twitter went viral showing how the Equalizer actor Denzel Washington helped a homeless black man confront the cops.
  • He intervened and the arrest of the man was done peacefully.
  • Many fans said, it is how police confrontations should end unlike what happened to Floyd.

A video of Denzel Washington went viral capturing him helping a homeless black man in an encounter with a Los Angeles police officer that is contrasting to what happened with George Floyd in Minneapolis.

NBA player Rex Chapman says on Twitter that the 65-year-old actor in the movie Equalizer, “saw a commotion in West Hollywood with cops and an unarmed distressed homeless man.”

Chapman uploaded the video and narrated how Washington got out of his car and intervened in between the unarmed man and the police to lessen the tension in the situation that ended with the safe arrest of the homeless guy.

In a different video uploaded by Twitter user @MoPhoPix, an officer explains how the star helped in the incident.

Photo Credit: London Entertainment

“Denzel drove by, saw the individual on the road and was worried about his safety,” the cop said. “We intervened, spoke with the individual and determined that he did not want to harm himself or others, and he was on his way, and Denzel left.”

The police sergeant then described how Washington pulled out an extra mask from his pocket and gave it to the man to protect himself which was good.

Washington played the role as a “very good Samaritan,” the cop concluded.

We agree with the sentiment that that is how an encounter with the police should end contradictory to the tragic death that Floyd had befallen. 


The video has gained millions of views and counting. 

“I saw Denzel Washington trending and got scared, but it was ONLY because he’s out there being a hero, saving a life while WEARING HIS DAMN MASK,” user @mmpadellan tweeted. “MY man!”

Many others praise the actor for his heroic deed.

Source: New York Post

