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Principal’s funny COVID-19 music video goes viral [Video]



  • An Alabama high school principal shared a funny COVID-19 music video parody on YouTube and it has been viewed over 5 million times so far.
  • Dr. Quentin J. Lee, the principal of Childersburg High School, sings a rap song about COVID-19 to MC Hammer’s 1990 hit song “Can’t Touch This.”
  • The video features Dr. Lee along with some students, singing, rapping, and dancing as he talks about masks and social distancing.

An Alabama high school principal has put a funny spin on the very serious measures his school is taking to protect students and staff against COVID-19.

Dr. Quentin Lee, the principal of Childersburg High School in Childersburg, Alabama, did a COVID-19 parody of “Can’t Touch This,” the 1990 hit song by M.C. Hammer.

Dr. Lee rewrote the song’s lyrics: “COVID! Is stressing me, all the updates from the CDC. Lysol! Can’t be found, I’ve looked all around this town.”

Dr. Lee is in his fourth year as principal of the public high school. He said he usually makes a funny video to welcome students back to school. This year, he knows he had to do a video about the coronavirus outbreak.

“The M.C. Hammer song just came to my mind and you can’t listen to that song without being happy,” Lee told “Good Morning America.” “I ran the idea by several of my friends and they said I had to do it, that it was too funny, so I started writing down the lyrics.”

Photo Credit: Quentin Lee

The principal said he worked with the school’s cheerleading coach and a few students who starred with him in the music video. He noted that they followed serious safety guidelines during the making of the video.

Childersburg High School will begin the school year later this month. It opted to do either virtual or in-person classes, which will operate at 50% capacity and have students rotate the days they are on campus, Dr. Lee said.

The principal hopes that his now-viral “Can’t Touch This” music video makes students laugh and get excited about returning to school. And of course, he also hopes that it will help the students realize there will be new policies and safety practices in place when they return.

Photo Credit: Quentin Lee

“We definitely want to adhere to all the guidelines put forth by the CDC and the policies within our own school district, but by putting a fun spin on it I think that the kids will buy into it a little bit more,” said Lee. “And on top of that, it’s just to let them know that, look, we’re going to make the best of the situation. It’s not what we desire but in order to keep you guys safe this is what we have to do.”

Dr. Lee added, “Of course when we get back on campus we’re not going to be walking around the halls yelling, ‘you can’t touch this,’ but they kind of already know the expectations when they get on campus to ensure their safety.”

Source: Good Morning America

