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World’s ‘most premature baby’ beats 0% chance of survival, celebrates 1st birthday



  • Richard Scott William Hutchinson was a premature baby weighing only 11.9 ounces and measuring 10.2 inches long.
  • Doctors said that he had no chance to survive, but little Richard proved them wrong.
  • Now, Richard has celebrated his 1st birthday, looking so adorably cute, even holding the world’s title “the most premature baby to survive.”

Meet “the most premature baby to survive” by the Guinness World Records (GWR): Richard Scott William Hutchinson.

Richard wasn’t due for another 131 days, when his mom, Beth, went into premature labor. He came out at only about 21 weeks and two days, weighing only 11.9 ounces and measuring 10.2 inches long.

Photo Credit: Guinness World Records/Good News Network

The tiny infant was then sent for care to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) at Children’s Minnesota hospital in Minneapolis, but doctors said that he had 0% odds of survival. But Richard wasn’t someone who just easily gives up. He proved them wrong, and we are happy with that decision.

But the journey wasn’t easy. The already difficult situation was made even much harder by the coronavirus pandemic. His parents, Rick and Beth, had to bear back-and-forth commutes from their home in St. Croix County, Wisconsin to Minneapolis to visit their newborn son.

“We made sure we were there to give him support,” Rick told GWR. “I think that helped him get through this because he knew he could count on us.”

Neonatologist Dr. Stacy Kern told GWR that the parents fought hard for their baby and never stopped rooting for him.

“Their strength and ability to stay positive and hopeful even during the most stressful and difficult times was inspiring.”

Six months later, Richard was finally ready to go home. And recently, on June 5th, the brave baby boy celebrated his first birthday, and with it comes the icing on the cake — GWR officially declares him as “the most premature baby to survive.”

Photo Credit: Guinness World Records/Good News Network

“I couldn’t believe this was the same little boy that once was so sick, that I feared he [might] not survive,” Stacy said. “The same little boy that once fit in the palm of my hand, with skin so translucent that I could see every rib and vessel in his tiny body. I couldn’t help but squeeze him and tell him how proud I was of him.” You are a true inspiration, little one.

Source: Good News Network

