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Baseball Star Bryce Harper Assists in Surprise Prom Proposal



Quick Smiles:

  • Bryce Harper, a celebrated figure in baseball, aids a young man in proposing to a girl for prom.
  • Jake Portella, a teenager from New Jersey, leverages his crush’s fandom to construct an outstanding prom proposal.
  • Thanks to Harper’s assistance, Portella successfully earns a ‘yes’ for prom night, spreading joy all around.

It’s rare when a baseball superstar becomes part of a love story. Bryce Harper, the highly esteemed Phillies player, accomplished just that by assisting a teenager with his prom proposal.

Young Jake Portella realized that his high school crush was a passionate Phillies fan. So, he understood that if he could get Harper to present the critical question, a positive response was likely.

A captivating video that shows Harper and Portella waiting outside Giullia Leonetti’s doorstep caught attention on the Major League Baseball platform. As events unfold, Harper asks Leonetti if she will accompany Portella to the prom. The result? A wave of hugs, shock, and most importantly, a ‘yes.’

But how did a high school student from Haddonfield Memorial High School in New Jersey involve one of MLB’s biggest stars in his plan?

“I’ve been brewing ideas for prom for some time and knew I wanted to do something Phillies-themed since she’s such a fan,” Portella revealed. “Knowing that some Phillies players live in town, I thought it would be cool if I could get one of them to help me.”

Portella took the bold step of approaching Bryce Harper, knocking on his door to ask if he could “help in any capacity.”


In contrast to often aloof celebrities, Harper’s grounded response was a refreshing change. On opening the door, he took down Portella’s contact information, suggesting that he might be able to offer help.

“Then, as I was departing, he calls me back and asks, ‘What if we just did it right now?’” recalls Portella.

Harper simply expressed that he was trying “to help a brother out.”

Leonetti was left teary and completely taken aback as “the chosen one” showed up at her doorstep. To clarify, Portella wasn’t the one she referred to as the chosen one, but she agreed to go to prom with him nonetheless.

The prom is scheduled for June 14th. As for any further surprise appearances of “the chosen one,” it appears unlikely, given that the Philadelphia Phillies will be engaged in a series against the Baltimore Orioles several hundred miles away.


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