Cute Animals
These Mischievous Pups Got Kicked out of Doggy Daycare

- Pups may be their best behaved selves at home, but that may not be the case at doggy daycare.
- When one dog mom shared how her dogs got kicked out of daycare, several more dog parents shared their own similar experience.
- Some pups formed a “dog gang,” some unlocked all the dog crates, while some even peed on the toys!
All pups are good boys and girls in the eyes of their parents, but what happens when they’re left at doggy daycare? Sometimes chaos breaks loose!
Pet parents started sharing how their dogs got kicked out of doggy daycare, and the reasons are just hilarious!
1. Here’s the tweet that started it all.
2. This pup seems to have led a revolution.
While we are on vacation with kids our Golden was responsible for unlatching all the dog crates, creating mass hysteria in the kennel— Ajcnj1956 (@ajcnj1956) July 22, 2021
3. This pup, meanwhile, had selfish intentions.
Our husky got kicked out for unlocking one of the gates and letting all of the dogs out and then stayed back to play with the toys by herself. Too smart for her own good— TD Hunter (@tdhunter52) July 23, 2021
4. Radar is small but ferocious.
Radar got the boot for constantly taking over the biggest bed and snarling at any dog who tried to come near it. So smol, so selfish, likes comfort.— lesley m (@stainedandlit) July 23, 2021
5. Pups assert dominance in different ways.
My dog was kicked out because he took all of the toys out them in the corner and peed on them. It was pretty embarrassing— Rachess (@rachelcraik) July 22, 2021
6. This territorial dog is still the best in his mom’s eyes.
This majestic creature was booted out because he kept marking his territory. We thought fair enough. But look how pretty!— Dr Elisha Foust ????️???? (@allthingsFoust) July 22, 2021
7. They merely wanted to try sheep herding.
My two dogs got kicked out of puppy play for teaming up and herding the fluffy dog that looked like a sheep.— neighbor (@prosophobic) July 23, 2021
8. He was on a bout of jealousy.
Carlos the bulldog got the boot because he didn’t like the other dogs around his BFF Otis. They locked him in a room where he proceeded to eat their couch cushions.— Helie (@helie_bel) July 22, 2021
9. Poor pup was just excited and nervous for his first dog riot.
My dog was politely asked to leave a dog-training session when he pooped on the floor (he was excited & nervous) & then started a dog riot.— Kemu (@kemu808) July 23, 2021
10. It’s not Cocoa’s fault she’s pretty!
Our Cocoa was kicked out because she is too pretty and all the boys wanted to mount her (even though all parties have been fixed) which caused numerous snarl and snap fests.— Richard Ryan (@rickkryan) July 22, 2021
These pups may have had some mischievous fits at the doggy daycare, but they’re still the goodest dogs in their parents’ eyes.
And if they ever need a new daycare to go to, perhaps they can count on this person:
I'm going to open a daycare for all the previously expelled. They sound like good boys and girls who are just misunderstood ???? I'll let then be a little mean, snippy, gang-y, bitey, humpy.. whatever— Just call me Summer ???? (@savingthedocto1) July 22, 2021
Source: The Dodo

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