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Tiny duck falls in love with girlfriend three times his size



  • A green-winged teal has made its home in Loch Raven Reservoir. 
  • The duck has found a girlfriend in the reservoir.
  • He followed the mallard that was three times his size everywhere it went. 

Shannon Emmel’s favorite duck is the green-winged teal, so when she heard one had taken up home in Loch Raven Reservoir, she raced to meet him.

But the tiny duck wasn’t alone when she arrived. It was with its girlfriend, a mallard three times his size. And he was putting in a lot of effort to keep the bigger ducks away from his sweetheart.

Photo Credit: Shannon Emmel/The Dodo

Emmel told The Dodo that the green-winged teal was easy to spot among the mallards because of its unique size.

“I found him literally following this one particular mallard all around on the dirt and grass. He followed her everywhere and periodically chased off other mallard males,” she said.

Green-winged teals are among North America’s tiniest ducks, but this one seemed to understand that size doesn’t matter. Green teals are quick and agile ducks who court their mates through elaborate dances and vocal displays, considerably more enthusiastic than the methods used by mallard drakes.

Photo Credit: Shannon Emmel/The Dodo

Green-winged teals typically hang out with other green-winged teals, while mallards hang out with mallards, but Emmel noticed that this star-crossed couple had a special bond that went beyond breed and family.

Emmel said it was the sweetest thing she’s seen in a while. The green-winged-teal was completely enamored with this mallard, and he followed her everywhere she went. They eventually dove into the water, and he stayed close by. 

Photo Credit: Shannon Emmel/The Dodo

“The female mallard seemed perfectly fine with her little suitor,” Emmel added. “It was such a joy to watch.”

Emmel isn’t the only one who has noticed this unusual couple. Other Maryland birders have been making special journeys to the reservoir throughout March to see the reservoir’s newest famous couple. Crossbreeding in ducks is not unheard of, but it is extremely rare. But, with hope, these dedicated birds will lay a clutch of eggs this year, giving birth to some unusually lovely youngsters.

Source: The Dodo

