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Heroic Bus Driver Saves Children from Exploding School Bus



Quick Smiles:

  • A school bus driver in New Orleans, Kia Rousseve, saved a group of children when her bus caught fire.
  • Despite the imminent danger, she ensured every child was safely off the bus before it exploded.
  • Rousseve’s quick thinking and bravery were hailed as “nothing short of heroic” by the school district.

In a world where we often overlook everyday heroes, a school bus driver in New Orleans, Kia Rousseve, has reminded us of the extraordinary courage that can be found in ordinary people.

Rousseve was in the midst of her usual morning route, transporting children to Lafayette Academy, when her bus began to lose power and emit smoke.

One of the young passengers alerted Rousseve to a fire that had started under the bus. “As soon as I saw the bus smoking, my instinct was to get them off the bus,” Rousseve said in an interview.

Despite the school district’s claim that the bus was in good condition, Rousseve had made it a habit to perform her own brief inspection of the bus every day.

Ignoring the emergency exit, Rousseve led the children, ranging from Kindergarten to 8th grade, through the front door and onto the street. Once she was certain everyone was at a safe distance, she reboarded the bus to double-check that no one was left behind.

“I turned the bus off and got off. When I got off, the bus blew up,” she said. “All I heard was boom, boom, boom. I was like, ‘Oh my God, the bus blew up.’”

The school district released a statement praising Rousseve’s actions, calling her efforts and calm demeanor under pressure “nothing short of heroic.”


“It’s a poignant reminder of the crucial role bus drivers play in our lives, often going unnoticed until a moment of crisis thrusts them into the spotlight,” said the statement.

The incident has had a profound impact on Rousseve, who has since decided to stop driving school buses. The days following the event have made her realize how close she came to losing her life.

This story serves as a powerful reminder of the bravery and dedication of those who work tirelessly to keep our children safe. Let’s share this story of the heroic bus driver from New Orleans with our friends and remind them of the everyday heroes in our lives.


