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Cute Animals

Golden Retriever’s Card Shuffle Fascination Will Make You Smile



Quick Smiles:

  • A deck of cards unexpectedly becomes the center of a golden retriever’s attention, resulting in a delightful twist of events.
  • The heartwarming interaction between food blogger, Emily Meyers, and her dog Puffin, has become a viral sensation.
  • Puffin’s delightful reaction to card shuffling has uplifted over 2.5 million viewers globally.

In our quest for advanced toys and gadgets to entertain our pets, sometimes it’s the simplest of objects – a humble deck of cards, that create the most magical moments.

While indulging in a game of solitaire in her Pittsburgh home, Emily Meyers, a 29-year-old food blogger, ended up with an unexpected audience. Her golden retriever, Puffin, was absolutely fascinated by the movement of the cards.

“He started making excited noises as I shuffled a few cards,” Meyers recalled.

Unable to resist Puffin’s enthusiasm, she started shuffling the whole deck. The sight of a 4-year-old golden retriever leaping up in interest was indeed an unexpected joy.

Meyers hadn’t expected such an eager reaction from Puffin, and her subsequent TikTok post (@garlicheadrecipes) “Just deal him in already,” has brought joy to social media users worldwide.

Within a few short days, this clip had amassed over 2.5 million views and 301,700 likes.


“I was simply playing solitaire when I noticed that he perked his head up as I shuffled the deck. He wasn’t scared but was wagging his tail as if he thought I wanted to play a game with him,” Meyers stated.

Setting up the camera, she managed to capture Puffin’s adorable, playful expressions and comical stance. “The eager shuffle of his arms is my favorite part. He’s always been a very lovable and goofy character and this video captured that aspect perfectly.”

This playful and energetic behavior is typical of a golden retriever, a breed known to retain its youthful enthusiasm throughout adulthood. As suggested by the American Kennel Club (AKC), their joyful behavior never truly fades away.

Typically, Meyers’ social media posts are filled with food and drink recipes, but occasionally she treats followers to videos of her two golden retrievers, Puffin and Phoebe. Although her recipe ideas are always popular, Puffin has undoubtedly stolen the spotlight this time.

The overwhelming response on social media surprised Meyers. “Multiple people commented that the video made their day. We received over 2 million views in just one weekend. I was so pleased to brighten people’s day with Puffin’s funny antics. Thousands of viewers saved the clip on TikTok as well, and I hope he continues to bring lighthearted energy to everyone.”

Puffin’s enthralling fascination with a simple deck of cards has captured the internet’s heart, prompting users to request more antics from Meyers.


The viral post garnered over 750 comments, with one user humorously suggesting, “Show him a card shuffler; he’ll lose his mind.”

Puffin has certainly spun a light-hearted narrative, with one TikTok user joking, “I think I’ve seen a painting of his grandpa playing cards,” and another suggesting that Puffin “was a card shark in a previous life.”

In this endearing story of a dog’s captivation with a deck of cards, we see how life’s simplest things can often bring about the most cheerful moments. Let’s hope that Puffin’s delightful tale continues to bring joy to all who encounter it.


