Quick Smiles: Animal rescue is a tough job. It’s not just about cuddling with cute animals all day. You see, shelter workers witness the worst of...
A dog living in the trash for days was reported by a Good Samaritan for help. When rescuers from Stray Rescue of St. Louis (SRSL) came,...
A stray pup was roaming the streets of New Orleans when a teacher rescued him. The teacher’s landlord did not allow pups into their premises and...
A lost dog up for adoption creates a mess of the toys that the shelter gives to foster families. He was just left alone for a...
Peppa has been having problems having a restful sleep as the shelter is overcrowded. The first night in her forever home, she slept so peacefully and...
An animal rescuer manages to trap a very pregnant stray cat and brings her to a rescue center. Mama cat learns how to be petted at...
The Sioux City Animal Adoption and Rescue is playing matchmaker for a newly formed family of three. According to KCAU, last month, the Iowa animal shelter brought...
Osito suddenly found himself alone when his former family abandoned him. The lonely puppy was soon taken in by a shelter for homeless dogs, where he...
The Always and Furever Animal Sanctuary has a communal area for dogs in their care for them to experience the comforts of a home. This area...
A fire broke out at W-Underdog’s animal shelter where Keith Walker’s best friend pit bull was. Keith pulled out 6 dogs and 10 cats from the...