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Triplets ‘over the moon’ to be pregnant at the same time



  • Triplets Gina Purcell, Nina Rawlings-Tran and Victoria Brown, 35, have grown up really close with one another.
  • And now, they’re taking their bond to the next level as all three are pregnant at the same time, expecting to give birth by the end of the year.
  • For them, sharing this pregnancy journey “with your best friends is just surreal.”

Gina Purcell, Nina Rawlings-Tran and Victoria Brown, 35-year-old triplets from California, have grown up sharing a tight bond. And this time, they’re passing it on to the next generation: their own children!

Gina, Nina and Victoria are all pregnant, with due dates by the end of this year, with just months apart!

Photo Credit: Tina Rawlings/

As the three have different pregnancy experiences — it will be Nina’s first child, Victoria’s second, and Gina’s third — they find this journey an “incredible support system.”

Gina said that “it’s been incredible” to have her sisters to lean on.

“I was always the one giving advice because I was the first to have kids, but since my kids are 8 and 5, it’s been a few years, so Nina sends me all the latest tech stuff to have for the baby and Victoria reminds me of little things that I’ve forgotten,” she explained. “I also give them advice from what I do remember.”

More than this, Gina looks forward to witnessing the three babies becoming “best friends” and developing a close-knit bond, like how they have as sisters.

Photo Credit: Tina Rawlings/

“It’s different to have cousins the same age versus years apart because these three will have a special bond like my sisters and I do,” Gina added.

According to Gina, Victoria will give birth first to her second child, a baby boy, on July 9. Nina will follow, expecting to welcome her first child, also boy, on August 28. Gina will welcome her third child, a daughter, on November 25.

Photo Credit: Tina Rawlings/

Gina shared that she was the last to get pregnant as a devastating miscarriage years ago caused them to stop trying for more.

“With my miscarriage, we leaned a lot on our faith in God and that’s what got us through,” said Gina, the eldest of the sisters. “We’ve always talked about having a third baby but just didn’t think it was in the plan for us.”

“We were over the moon and so excited because we really didn’t think it would ever happen,” she added.

Looking ahead to the future, Gina said she is excited to “go on trips and outings together.”


As Nina told Fox News, “We shared everything before. But now that we have this — because being pregnant in itself is a blessing. So, being able to share this with your best friends is just surreal.”


