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Man blocks traffic to protect giant snake crossing the road



  • A man in Brazil was riding his motorcycle to work when he saw an anaconda slithering across the street.
  • The man stopped traffic to let the anaconda cross the road safely.
  • The snake was about 18 feet long.

Talian Barros from Roraima, Brazil, was riding his motorcycle to work a few weeks ago when he saw something in the path ahead that caught his attention. At first, he had no idea what it was, though it was obviously big.

Barros told The Dodo that he initially thought it was a piece of wood or a tire. But it turned out to be something more beautiful.

Photo Credit: Talian Barros

As he was nearing the mystery obstacle, he slowed down for a better look. To his surprise, he discovered a huge anaconda emerging from a bush and slithering across the road. Barros parked his motorcycle in the road and stopped traffic to prevent other vehicles from running over the giant snake. 

Photo Credit: Talian Barros

“My concern was for the animal’s well-being,” Barros said. “It was kind of irresponsible [to stop in the road], but I don’t regret it.”

Barros and the other drivers who stopped their vehicles watched the snake as it slithered across the road. After a few moments, the anaconda has safely crossed and disappeared into the bush.

Thanks to Barros, the anaconda, which was about 18 feet long, was safe and will keep growing still.

Photo Credit: Talian Barros

Despite being an imposing sight, the anaconda didn’t scare Barros. In fact, he told The Dodo that he feels lucky to have crossed her path.

“I was euphoric, happy to be humbled by that animal,” Barros said. “She was beautiful — a gift.”

Source: The Dodo

