When rescuers responded to a desperate call about a mystery animal stuck in a tree, they came upon a hilarious situation instead. The caller had thought...
Dexter met an accident in 2016. Due to the accident, the pup lost his front leg. Determined and positive, Dexter taught himself how to walk upright...
Carly Catalano, her partner Sam, and their three-year-old daughter Florence moved from British Columbia to Australia, where they quarantined in a hotel for 14 days. To...
Mayur Shelke’s first act of heroism was when he saved a child from a speeding train after he fell on the tracks. The second act was...
Six years ago, Kaya Kristina started putting water around a public garden in Toronto for dogs who walk around the park. When the pandemic hit last...
When one woman was going through a rough patch, she came across a message that showed her how positive affirmations can help. So she wanted to...
Prancer’s foster mom posted a hilariously honest adoption ad that described him as a “haunted Victorian child in the body of a small dog that hates...
Bryan Davies’ cat Wyatt loves watching squirrels and birds from a window. Winter months allow few bird and squirrel sightings so they turn to YouTube to...
Gloria Walker, who dreams of seeing the Egyptian pyramids with her family, was diagnosed with terminal cancer last year. Her son, Dustin Vitale started selling cheesesteaks...
Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson’s daughter Tiana Gia is obsessed with Aquaman. Tia celebrated her 3rd birthday party over the weekend with an Aquaman theme. Aquaman himself,...