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Woman Screams As She Spots “Missing” Cat [Video]



  • Edgar Allan Purr the cat takes naps in well-hidden spots around their apartment.
  • When her mom could not find him one day, he was simply napping in his mom’s black work skirt.
  • Since his fur is also black, he really blended in and his mom thought her skirt grew eyes.

When you are a fur parent, you are used to them observing you and judging you the whole time. But the moment that you realize that they’re nowhere to be found, you go into panic mode. You search frantically for them and leave no space unchecked until you find them.

So, when Kayla Robinson had not seen her “judgmental and lazy” cat, Edgar Allan Purr, she knew just what to do. She just has to turn the sink in the bathroom and Edgar would appear from a hard-to-find spot that he has been napping in.

Photo Credit: Kayla Robinson

But he did not come running, so she thought she had lost him!

Kayla said, “He normally has no problem making himself known since we share a studio apartment space together. Normally he’ll crawl into a shopping bag or inside one of my larger handbags … if he can.”

As she was turning her apartment up and down in search of Edgar, her black work skirt suddenly developed a pair of eyes.  It was Edgar!

Robinson just yelped and screamed out a bad word and thought that her neighbors could have heard her. 

Kayla said, “He hasn’t hidden from me that well since the first few days after I adopted him.” 

Photo Credit: Kayla Robinson

For Edgar, the skirt was a new spot for a good nap. He could not understand why his mom freaked out upon seeing her “eyed” skirt and why she was relieved to find him.

Kayla added that Edgar just showed how snarky and adorable he is with the way he reacted to her panic attack.

Source: The Dodo

