Quick Smiles: In a delightful display of canine cunning, a 20-pound foster puppy has outsmarted its pit bull sibling, three times its size, and become a...
Quick Smiles: In a heartwarming tale of resilience and reunion, Chief, a 7-year-old pitbull, has defied the odds by reappearing nearly 500 miles away from his...
Ace, a 103-pound pit bull, is a classic victim of ‘judging a book by its cover”. There is no denying that the first thing that you...
A woman was walking her dogs when she spotted a lost toddler with a pit bull companion. While she knocked on doors to help find the...
Hannibal the pit bull was stolen from Mariah’s home in 2018. It was only after two and a half years that they finally reunited. Their reunion...
Peggy the pit bull was initially apprehensive when Molly the magpie joined their household. After keeping their distance from each other, the two finally became close...
Kristin came upon Mo, a pittie, during a rough patch. She has since discovered that Mo’s preferred way of communication is by screaming like a velociraptor!...
Jamaica, a sweet pit bull, loves her soft octopus toy a lot. She usually chews it, which tore it off for many times. When her mom...
Maisy the Barn Hippo, who is actually a pit bull, was rescued and adopted by Marisa Elgbert who manages a barn. Marisa gave Maisy the nickname...
Since a puppy, Draco had been keeping a heart-shaped pillow with arms — a gift from his mom. Being overprotective, he accidentally ripped the pillow when...