Quick Smiles: A real-life version of Bambi and Thumper were found frolicking together in Colorado. This endearing friendship was caught on film by Steve and Vicky...
Quick Smiles: A spectacular school bus driver has embarked on a special mission to spread positivity among his passengers. He nurtures young minds by providing motivational...
Quick Smiles: A high school senior secures acceptance from an astonishing 231 schools countrywide. The student amasses a remarkable amount of $14.7 million in scholarships due...
Quick Smiles: A commercial airline pilot surprises his mother, by serving as the pilot on her flight back home. The pilot’s mother discovered the surprise from...
Quick Smiles: Retired teacher Karen Solomon was gifted a surprise reunion with her favorite kindergarten student from the 1980s for her 80th birthday. Seyi Fayanju, who...
Quick Smiles: An audacious eighth-grader from Wisconsin seized control of his school bus after the driver became unconscious while driving. The young hero, Acie Holland III,...
Quick Smiles: Many elementary schools in Michigan are now using service dogs full-time as joy emissaries, aiming to decrease student anxiety and improve educational experiences. ‘Priority...
Quick Smiles: An ecstatic bride decided to surprise her groom with their dachshund, Pennie, making a surprise appearance during their wedding day “first look.” Pennie arrived...
Quick Smiles: An engaging video of Pocky the cat licking a Himalayan salt lamp has received over 811,000 views on TikTok. Pocky’s owner, JJ, was warned...
Quick Smiles: A rare WWII ‘pigeon parachute’ has been discovered in an antique shoebox, which was historically used to send messages to the French resistance before...