Quick Smiles: A litter of kittens rescued in Los Angeles has found an unexpected foster parent in a male cat named Bundy. Bundy, owned by veterinary...
Quick Smiles: A dachshund named Lola crashed her owner’s girls’ night in, becoming a viral sensation on TikTok. Lola, who loves story time and belly rubs,...
Quick Smiles: A postman shares on TikTok that the best part of his job is seeing all the cats on his route. The video, which counters...
Quick Smiles: A man’s application for a library card took an amusing turn when he accidentally sent a photo of his dog instead of his ID....
Quick Smiles: A group of good Samaritans and highway rescue personnel heroically rescued a man from a burning car on I-94 in Minnesota. The brave rescuers...
Quick Smiles: An Alberta woman, DonnaJean Wilde, has set a new world record for the longest time in an abdominal plank position – an impressive 4...
Quick Smiles: A young girl in the U.K., Ruby Leaning, is now cancer-free thanks to her younger sister’s bone marrow donation. Diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia...
Quick Smiles: In Tennessee, a group of strangers heroically banded together to overturn a flipped car and rescue a woman trapped inside. The incident was captured...
Quick Smiles: Becky Arbaugh, a Taco Bell manager in Richboro, Pennsylvania, saves a baby’s life by performing CPR. Arbaugh’s quick thinking and action were praised by...
Quick Smiles: A border collie named Frey has become an internet sensation for his unique trick of doing “air shots” with his owner. The video of...