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Charming Golden Retriever Loves Rearranging Furniture



Quick Smiles:

  • A golden retriever, Blue, is becoming a sensation on TikTok for his unusual fondness for rearranging furniture.
  • Blue’s owner, Jen Berry, originally thought her children were repositioning the chairs, until she discovered the real four-legged stylist.
  • The entertaining videos of Blue’s eager interior design pursuits have gathered over 1.2 million views in just over a day.

When you dont know why your chairs keep moving around…and you realize you have an interior dogerator? #sillydog #goldenretriever

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Introducing Blue, a five-year-old golden retriever with an emerging interest in interior design. This charming canine has enchanted internet audiences globally, flaunting his skills in a stream of videos on TikTok. Posted by his owner, Jen Berry, Blue can be seen moving the chairs around their Connecticut residence, garnering him the playful nickname of a “Feng Shui Master.”

“Blue loves to be up high, so if there’s a chair, he’ll climb on it, even if you’re sitting in it,” Berry elaborated. “He also enjoys attempting to sit on my lap when I’m perched on a yoga-ball chair.”

Berry initially believed her offspring to be the furniture movers, until she observed Blue himself navigating a chair. In a TikTok video, Berry recorded the 95-pound pooch adjusting white chairs, placing them in his favorite locations. In a light-hearted manner, she captioned the video with, “Our feng shui master?”

“I posted on TikTok merely because he brings joy to me, and I wanted to spread that joy, but I had no clue it would blow up like this,” Berry revealed.


Internet users quickly became enamoured with Blue’s mischief. The dog’s redecorating endeavors have led to massive engagement. “Interior doggsigner,” teased a user named Ray.

A curious viewer, Lizzie, inquired: “I just want to know what goes on in their little minds to do something like this.”

Proof of the uncommon canine behavior reassured others. “Honestly, I would’ve thought I was losing my mind if I hadn’t captured this on video,” shared a viewer named Xiomara. Berry humorously agreed with the sentiment, replying, “Yep! I was so puzzled!”

Berry, not foreseeing the scale of the online reaction, was astounded by the number of people who’ve grown fond of her pet. “I had only about 40 followers when I uploaded it, and seeing 1.2 million people watch it within a day has been surreal,” she expressed.

Half in jest, Berry proposed that Blue’s chair-moving habit might be an attempt to climb onto them. Blue’s current favorite spot is a fixed chair by a window, where he often unwinds and watches the world go by. He’s even been known to spend nights there. “My favorite thing is just how sweet and attentive they are,” Berry notes, speaking of both Blue and his sister, Bella, another golden retriever. “It’s heartwarming to see something fun and wholesome receive this kind of reaction.”


