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Fishing Outing Morphs into Heroic Rescue for 38 Stranded Hunting Dogs



Quick Smiles:

  • A fishing adventure unexpectedly turns into a rescue mission for 38 hunting dogs stranded in a lake.
  • The dogs owe their lives to the fast thinking and actions of two colleagues and a local fishing guide.
  • This heart-stirring event leaves a lasting imprint, serving as a testament to the limitless spirit of human compassion.

What was supposed to be a relaxing fishing outing transformed into a surprising rescue expedition for two coworkers from State Farm Insurance. They ended up being unlikely heroes, saving nearly three dozen hunting dogs from drowning in a Mississippi lake.

Bob Gist, 61, and his friend had initially employed local bass fishing guide, Jordan Chrestman, to lead their fishing journey on Granada Lake. Despite fishing for hours without any significant catches, they shifted spots, and that’s when they noticed some unusual barking.

After putting out their lines, the team, consisting of Gist’s friend, Brad Carlisle, deduced that hounds might have chased a deer into the lake. The deer was swimming away quickly, trailing the dogs who were struggling to keep up.

As time went on, Chrestman saw that the dogs were still futilely swimming and barking. He proposed they suspend their fishing to look into the situation more closely.

On reaching the scene, they encountered pure pandemonium – 38 dogs desperately trying to stay afloat. “We’re just astounded because it’s dogs everywhere, and they’re all swimming in different directions as they could no longer see the shore on either side,” Gist remembered.

The group could identify the dogs as hunting breeds from their large GPS collars, which offered good grips for hoisting the drenched dogs out of the water and into the safety of the boat.


They undertook three rescue trips to save all the stranded dogs, taking the first group of about a dozen hounds back to their concerned owners waiting on the shore. However, the traumatic experience made the dogs reluctant to leave the boat, fearing the ground beyond was still water.

Assisted by the tracking equipment on the dogs’ collars, one of the men joined the rescue effort, helping Chrestman and Gist locate a third group of separated dogs. These dogs were barely managing to keep their heads above water.

In a commendable demonstration of compassion and bravery, they succeeded in saving all the dogs from this terrifying experience.

“The true hero is Jordan,” extolled Gist, appreciating the guide for his fast reaction to the crisis. “Without Jordan, we would have lost 38 dogs.”

Gist further acknowledged Chrestman’s crucial part, stating, “If Brad and I had been alone on the boat, we wouldn’t have known anything was wrong, but that young man—he knew something had to be done.”

This story of courage and fast-thinking inspires and reminds us of our inherent capacity to step up when faced with unexpected challenges. It truly is a heart-warming tale that brings a smile to our faces and ignites joy in our hearts.


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1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Becky Damore

    July 1, 2024 at 6:50 pm

    thank you!

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