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Mom’s Inventive Solution For Homesick College Student Will Make You Smile



Quick Smiles:

  • An inventive mom presents her college-bound daughter with a pillow shaped and designed like their family dog to ease homesickness.
  • The “dog” pillow, intended to bring comfort, amusingly turns out to be “kinda scary” according to the daughter.
  • A TikTok video featuring the pet-pillow captures widespread attention, amassing nearly 20 million views, sparking laughter and light-hearted fear.

Transitioning into higher education and living away from home can be a daunting experience for many students. While technology has made staying in touch with family more accessible, what about those missing their pet companions? A creative mother devised a fun, albeit slightly disconcerting, solution for this issue.

She chose to recreate an image of their cherished family pet into a pillow of identical shape. This unique graduation gift was intended to provide a sense of homey comfort for her daughter during her time in college.

The daughter, a TikTok user known as @an.uh1, shared a video recently. The accompanying text expresses her feelings: “Me going to sleep then remembering my mom got me a pillow of my dog for graduation so I don’t miss her at college.”

The pillow, a representation of her dog, is now her regular bedtime company. She snuggles up with it before falling asleep. Yet, TikTok users found it hard to resist a laugh at the rather comical gaze the pillow “dog” gives in return.

In the video, she records her perspective from the bed – the eye contact with the dog pillow, which she labels as “kinda scary.” At this point, we are yet to hear more from @an.uh1 regarding our queries.

The TikTok community finds the idea of the pillow causing nightmares, instead of providing comfort, completely hysterical. Some users even recalled receiving similar pet-pillow presents from their parents.

Many campuses have introduced therapy dog events as a strategy to combat prolonged homesickness. A 2022 study in the field of psychology suggested that interaction with therapy dogs can help reduce student stress and improve social bonding. It seems that even a 20-minute session with a therapy dog can significantly uplift a student’s overall wellness.



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