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Alabama Teen Survives 60-foot Italian Cliff Fall: Miracle Boy’s Story



Quick Smiles:

  • A teenager from Alabama, Hayden Hill, miraculously survives a dangerous 60-foot fall off a cliff in Italy, suffering only non-life-threatening injuries.
  • Despite the challenge in communication due to language barriers, Hill was able to return home with the help of local senators and friends.
  • Expressing gratitude for his survival, Hill attributes his unlikely escape to a higher power.

Hayden Hill, a recent graduate from New Hope High School in Huntsville, Alabama, made headlines after surviving a precarious 60-foot fall off an Italian cliff with only minor injuries. Hayden, who is now fondly referred to as the ‘Miracle Boy,’ shares his chilling incident. “When I fell, I hit the only soft spot, and I think that’s really why they’re calling me ‘Miracle Boy,’ because if I hit any other spot, I either would have had severe trauma or I would be dead.”

Despite his near-death experience, Hayden’s faith remains strong, and he attributes his survival to divine intervention. He believes that he was indeed, “[I was] blessed by God.”

The incident happened while Hayden and his classmates were touring Europe, celebrating their graduation. On their tenth day in Italy, Hayden and a friend were looking for access to a local beach. Their search led Hayden to scale a wall leading to what he thought was a descending trail.

Hayden recalls the incident, “I stepped over a knee-high wall and followed a dirt path surrounded by grass and trees that gradually descended. I had my flashlight on all the while, but at one point, the path sloped off, and I fell off a 60-foot cliff.”

During the rescue operation, Hayden’s mother, Sharon Hicks, stayed in touch over the phone, advising him to conserve his phone’s battery as its light was the only beacon guiding the Coast Guards to his location.

Hayden sustained a head injury in the fall but incredibly avoided any significant harm, such as brain bleeds. After several surgeries, he is now recovering. His mother, Sharon, expresses her gratitude, “It’s a blessing that he’s still here today,” and praises the Coast Guard for their successful rescue operation and safe delivery of her son to the hospital.

The family did face difficulties in getting Hayden back home due to language barriers.


Chris Hicks, Hayden’s father, shared, “The bilingual situation was a bit confusing, but we had a lot of help from our local senators – Dale Strong, Tommy Tuberville and their staffs. A friend of mine, Alabama Representative Richie Horton, also helped us communicate with the embassy there and arrange transport.”

Despite these struggles, the family is thankful for the care Hayden received overseas. Chris concludes, “We want to thank the doctors for taking care of Hayden while he was there. Despite a few communication issues, he’s home now, and that’s all that really matters.”


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