Instead of being in the trash, an old stuffed toy horse has become a local celebrity and named Derek Trotter. Derek has mysteriously gained a smaller...
Hank needed constant attention and full-time care. The kitten was born premature and malnourished, but a kind couple made it their mission to attend to her...
A musician’s youngest daughter Fenn wandered into his recording studio and asked his father to write a song together. When Tom Rosenthal asked Fenn what it’s...
Queen B is back with her newest visual album, “Black Is King,” and fans just can’t get enough of her as they upload their own covers...
Elwood has been hanging around the hospital for a long time; he’s become a regular. And because he’s been there always, nobody really wondered anymore where...
Freyja’s mission is to search for the mysterious puppy from the mirror. Her parents tried teaching her that the puppy in the mirror is actually her,...
Selma Blair has been fighting Multiple Sclerosis since 2018. Recently she posted an update of herself which was nothing short of badass! It was photos of...
Coleman’s dream was to restore a vintage car for himself and he’s finally bought one he named “Maria.” But that was quite a distant dream because...
Jaydence Ronco arrived home from vacation and discovered that his stuffed animal was missing. Airport personnel found the stuffed animal and made it their mission to...
Todd and Jessica wanted to teach their son, who has autism, to interact with the world and become more independent. When Jessica met a dog trainer...