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Cute Animals

Convenience Store Puts a Photo of a Dog in its ‘Wall Of Shame’ for Stealing Beef Jerky



  • A convenience store in Denver takes photos of shoplifters and displays them in its ‘Wall Of Shame’ corner.
  • The store is serious about the campaign that’s why when they caught a dog stealing, they put his photo on the board, too.
  • Despite being described as a ‘good boy,’ the guilty dog was named the ‘Beef Jerky Thief.’

A convenience store in Denver is not tolerating shoplifters. The owners are not afraid to show it that’s why they have a prominently displayed “wall of shame” corner. It’s a collection of photos of past offenders caught on the store’s security cameras.

But there’s one photo that’s quite different. There is a photo of a dog on the wall. He looks fluffy, but also looks guilty.

Photo Credit: u/392859337039A (Reddit)

“Beef Jerky Thief,” a faded caption below the photo reads.

Despite his offense, he was also described as a “good boy.”

To learn more about the incident that landed the dog on the wall of shame, The Dodo reached out to Jakub Niedzwiecki, a frequent visitor to the convenient store. He spoke with the owners about what happened.

“The furry boi actually belongs to a regular customer,” Niedzwiecki told The Dodo. “The dog has such an affinity for the jerky aisle that it couldn’t help but bite on a loose Slim Jim and (nearly) walk out of the store with it.”

On that occasion, the dog was stopped before making off with his steal. Still, he was added to the wall of shame as a joke.


But the joke’s on them: The dog is shameless. He’s allowed inside with his owner, who’s now friends with the storekeepers, but the pup still seems to be on the lookout for the chance to rob again.

“What bonded them all together was the jerky incident,” Niedzwiecki said. “[The store owners] told me that every time the dog is there, his nose just leads him to the same aisle every time.”

Source: The Dodo

