Quick Smiles: For Meghan and her friend, what started as a regular walk alongside a bike trail turned into an extraordinary animal rescue adventure. A sleek...
Quick Smiles: In a tale that will warm your heart and bring a smile to your face, an adorable 8-week-old kitten has been rescued from a...
Charlie, now a 3-year-old ginger tabby, was rescued as a kitten together with his siblings in a field after a hawk attacked their mother. @ohcharliecat Oh...
While walking with her dog, TikTok user @budthegsd saw a scared stray cat. Having no carrier nor food and water with her, she said she’d return...
Workers have been observing a cat dumped in a covered spot on the side of a building that has not moved and is too scared to...
Rescued animals at shelters experience depression and Otie the cat was no exception. When Otie was adopted, his transformation from sad cat to happy cat was...
An affectionate cat with a bad cold and one bad eye was found inside a bookbag in the Bronx. The rescuer brought her to a shelter...
A cat was thrown out of a car window and into the street in Iowa. The incident was spotted by an Amazon delivery driver, who rescued...
Matea was biking home from work when she noticed a tiny stray kitten near a busy street. When she scooped him up, he instantly relaxed, so...
A stray cat has become a model for glasses and eye patches for children with eye problems. Seeing Truffles the Kitty wear glasses encourages the scared...