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Cute Animals

When a Crow Thinks He’s a Bunny: A “Hoppy” Friendship Tale



Quick Smiles:

  • Unexpected Rescue: The Silverwood family of West Yorkshire saved baby crow, Jake, from a busy road, braving protective parent crows in the process.
  • Bunny Brotherhood: Initially meant to be a short stay, Jake quickly bonded with the family’s five bunnies, cuddling, hopping, and even believing they are his parents.
  • Identity Crisis?: Jake’s bond with the bunnies is so strong, he’s “crow-fused” about his identity, making the Silverwood household his permanent nest.

“Friends come in all shapes and sizes,” they say, but the Silverwood family of West Yorkshire, England, has a tale that would leave even the most seasoned animal enthusiast flapping in disbelief.

When they decided to rescue an injured baby crow named Jake, little did they know they were in for a hopping surprise.

After spotting a plea on a local Facebook page, Andrew and Suzanne Silverwood jumped into action and rescued the two-week-old crow, Jake, who had fallen from his nest and was found with a broken leg in the middle of a busy road.

Andrew had a feathery escape from Jake’s protective parents during the rescue, recalling their chase as he tried to save their offspring.

But his courage was rewarded in the most unexpected way.


The Silverwoods thought they’d be playing host to Jake for just a little while. But their five bunnies – Chester, Bella, Cilla, Marian, and Mary – had other plans.

The hopping family welcomed Jake with open paws, and the crow soon believed he’d found his true “tribe.”

Jake, showing he’s not “crow-d” of some bunny fun, started cuddling and hopping around with the bunnies.

The Silverwoods observed that Jake had begun mimicking the bunnies, even squawking loudly when he was hungry, probably hoping for some of that carrot action.

Most hilariously, the Silverwoods believe Jake is convinced that the bunnies are his parents, and Andrew remarked, “He really does think he’s a rabbit.”

Will Jake ever spread his wings and fly away? For now, he’s content being a bunny.


So, whether he’s having a crow-nundrum about his identity or simply enjoying his fluffy companions, one thing is certain: Jake has found his forever home with the Silverwood family and their hopping clan.


