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Cute Animals

World’s Tiniest Chihuahua Steals Hearts Everywhere



Quick Smiles:

  • Pearl the Chihuahua is the world’s shortest living dog, standing at 3.59 inches tall and 5 inches long.
  • She made her television debut on a talent show in Milan, Italy, where her owner revealed Pearl’s lavish tastes and diva personality.
  • Despite her record-breaking size, Pearl is still a “child at heart” according to her owner, Vanesa Semler.

Meet Pearl, the tiny Chihuahua who’s officially the shortest living dog in the world! She’s so small that she’s even shorter than a TV remote. When she was born, Pearl weighed less than 1 ounce. Now, at 2 years old, she’s about the same length as a dollar bill, according to Guinness World Records.

Her owner, Vanesa Semler, says Pearl is only “slightly taller than a teacup.” Pearl inherited her petite size from her family, as her mother is one of the sisters of the previous record holder, Miracle Milly, who passed away in 2020.

To claim her world record, Pearl was measured at the Orlando, Florida hospital where she was born. The evaluators used a dog measuring wicket to measure her three times, following Guinness’s rules.

Pearl’s record-breaking size gained international attention when she appeared on a TV talent show in Milan, Italy. Semler joined her on the show, revealing that her little pup is a “bit of a diva” with very lavish tastes. Pearl loves to eat chicken and salmon and enjoys getting dressed up. Despite being in front of a large audience, Pearl remained calm and unfazed.

Semler says that even though Pearl is officially an adult, she’s still a “child at heart.” However, she doesn’t hold the title of the shortest dog ever. That honor belongs to a dwarf Yorkshire terrier from the 1940s, who was only 2.8 inches tall.

While Pearl and other teacup dogs are undeniably adorable, it’s important to be cautious. Teacups and tiny dogs can have health concerns not seen in larger breeds. Many are not ethically bred and may come from puppy mills, where breeders prioritize profit over healthy reproduction.


Always do your research, find a responsible breeder, or consider adopting a dog from a shelter instead.


