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Happy Tears

Young Woman Fulfills Her Mother’s Dream After 24 Years



Quick Smiles:

  • Trisha Amoranto, a young woman from the Philippines, passes her bar exam, a feat her late mother achieved but never got to know.
  • Trisha chooses to receive her results at her mother’s gravesite, surrounded by her supportive friends.
  • The moment of success is captured in a video, showing the group’s ecstatic reaction when they learn Trisha has passed.

Trisha Amoranto, a young woman from the Philippines, has a special reason to celebrate. She’s just passed her bar exam, a notoriously tough test that many have to take more than once to succeed. And in the Philippines, it’s known to be one of the hardest bar exams in the world. But for Trisha, this achievement is more than just a personal victory.

Trisha’s mother passed away when she was only a year old. Her mom was on her own journey to becoming a lawyer and had recently taken the bar exam. Tragically, she never got to find out she had passed the exam, as the news came weeks after her death. This poignant piece of her family history has always resonated with Trisha.

Imagine the anticipation Trisha must have felt, waiting for her own test results, knowing the significance they held. But when the moment of truth came, Trisha didn’t want to face it alone or in the confines of her home.

Instead, she chose a place of deep personal significance – the cemetery where her mom rests. And she wasn’t alone. Her friends, understanding the gravity of the moment, joined her without a second thought. A video captures the moment they all find out the results.

In the video, you can see Trisha and her four friends, huddled together in nervous anticipation. The moment the results load, the tension breaks – Trisha has passed! The group erupts into screams and jumps of joy.

Overwhelmed with emotion, Trisha lowers herself into a squatting position, her friends joining her. It’s a moment of pure joy and relief, a testament to Trisha’s determination and the legacy of her mother.


When I was one year old, my mom died weeks before knowing that she passed the Bar exam. 24 years later, here I am, fulfilling what she started. Thank you to my strongest support system, I can’t thank you all enough. #Bar2023 #hernandoitbar2023 #hernandidit💜⚖️ ♬ Rise – Belle Mariano

There’s no question about it – Trisha’s mom would be brimming with pride for her daughter right now!


