Quick Smiles: A couple is receiving heaps of praise from internet strangers for their incredible act of rescuing a tiny black kitten named Rocky from the...
Did that get you confused? When Aysha Clever (@ayshaclever) posted a video of her ginger tabby named Cheeto “co-parenting” her kittens with a white cat called...
A stray kitten named Sis immediately became a part of the Koyle family when mom, Jeni Koyle, brought her home. The kids and Sis are inseparable...
A six-week-old abandoned kitten finds its way to a front porch and asks for help. The homeowner hears the kitten’s insistent loud cries, brings her in...
A 6-week-old bobcat kitten was found abandoned by its mother. The Millstone Wildlife Center coordinated with the Spicy Cats which had a domestic cat mum that...
A post on Facebook alerted fireman Tyson Hood to a kitten that got trapped in a storm drain. He volunteered to rescue the cat and ended...
Siblings Otter and Bunny have special needs that the Good Samaritan who found them cannot attend to and so she brought them to Baby Kitten Rescue....
An unusual note by a pet shelter catches the web’s attention and potential adopters. ‘Spicy Chicken Nugget’ introduces himself as the boss and enumerates things he...
A kitten was rescued by firefighters from an ATM in Fort Smith, Arkansas. The less-than-a-pound kitten was handed over to Fort Smith Animal Haven. The kitten...
A newborn kitten with twisted hind legs from too-short ligaments and with cleft palate surrendered to shelter. Shelter contacts Stephanie Medrano who took the kitten home...