Quick Smiles: A story that could have been a tragic headline turned into a tale of heroism, thanks to a four-legged friend with a knack for...
Quick Smiles: • A heroic dog named Lucy in Arlington, Washington state, woke her owners up to alert them about a fire in their neighbor’s house.•...
Quick Smiles: Talk about taking a bite out of crime! A chocolate Labrador and Chesapeake Bay retriever mix, Tucker was handsomely awarded with a $2,000 cash...
Quick Smiles: In a moment that highlights the age-old adage, ‘dogs are a man’s best friend’, a hero dog named Champ demonstrated just how profound this...
Quick Smiles: In a heartwarming tale that’s sure to make you say “aww,” one good boy has proven that not all heroes wear capes – some...
Pulma the chihuahua was hanging out with his canine siblings by the pool when he suddenly slipped and fell in. Just as Pulma was struggling to...
A stray dog that has been living in the streets of a Texas neighborhood for the past seven years was hit by a car. Animal rescuer...
Border collie Saul and his owner were out on a night’s walk in the forest the man tumbles and falls over 70 feet. Saul’s owner managed...
A close encounter that almost resulted in a tragic accident was caught on camera. Two stray dogs were walking along a road when a vehicle sped...
A brave dog has been dubbed a hero and a real-life “Lassie” after she saved the lives of two men involved in an accident. Police spotted...